Q-Chem Helps Clients Minimize Risk

Minimize Risk and Protect Your Company

Risks lurk at every corner of business. If not properly prevented, these risks can cause huge amounts of damage whether at the expense of employee safety or company profits. This is why investing in minimizing risk is so important.

With Q-Chem, the smart chemical management software, you can do just that.

Questioning Your Chemical Inventory?

Have you ever found mistakes in your inventory records? Or become irritated with the cost of inventory recordkeeping? Do you feel the time ticking by when writing reports about on-site chemicals?
If so, it’s time to rethink your software. With Q-Chem software, you can reduce the risk of fines, inventory loss, and liabilities.

The Smarter Inventory Management Tool

Q-Chem provides inventory management data with searchable inventory, regulatory list status, and hazard classification to make better informed chemical safety decisions. For example, be prepared to generate reports for emergency responders if needed. Use dashboard reports to flag any improperly stored or expired items. Plus, track the chemicals stored and used at each location.

Powerful Purchasing Authorization

In addition to inventory management, another major risk can be purchasing chemicals without a proper authorization and management process. This process should be put in place because it can help your company review whether you have an SDS for the chemical you would like to buy, if it’s safe to store that chemical onsite with other chemicals in your inventory, and what quantity you are permitted to store.
Q-Chem provides a flexible chemical authorization process in which your company can select a form and then our software will customize it with information like the physical state.

Our Q-Chem software can also create forms that equip you to review chemical disposal concerns such as if you have the necessary transportation, disposal location, etc.

Don’t risk a bad night’s sleep over your chemical management. Wake up recharged with Q-Chem.


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