Before you purchase any SDS software, you probably look for the price tag associated with it. Like anything else, be on the watch for hidden expenses not reflected in a promotional price. Here are a few services and “add-ons” that might cost you:
Some installations require significant time, and labor fees are typically pricey.
Training is often necessary to completely understand the new software. Hiring an instructor and implementing courses will cost you money AND time.
Laws and regulations change often, requiring upgrades to maintain compliance. The original software investment is worthless if you cannot afford the time or cost to keep it current.
Integrating with systems
SDS software needs integration points to import product data, and to export data to other management systems. If you do not have internal IT staff to perform the proper integration, you’ll need to hire someone. Going forward, each new update will require the integration point configuration, as well.
Hiring additional employees to manage SDS systems and other indirect services for the software will definitely play a role in determining total cost of ownership. You’ll need to consider both the level of difficulty to implement the software into your unique business processes, and how many people will be needed to ensure a steady transition period.
Bottom line: There is more to consider than the tangible price tag. We want you to truly understand where you can get the best deal.