Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
Workplace Hazardous Materials Information System (WHMIS)
If you supply chemicals to the Canadian market, you must now comply with WHMIS.
Canada has a new standard for (Material) Safety Data Sheets. The new standard (WHMIS 2015) is based on the United Nations’ GHS standard, which is currently in use in the US.
Send us your old MSDS, and we’ll convert it to WHMIS 2015 standards!
SDS Authoring and Generation Software
Quantum’s SDS Authoring and Generation software allows you to author SDS that are compliant with the language and regulation elements of the existing Canadian WHIMS 2015 regulations and will continue to be compliant with the proposed GHS revision 7 updates. In addition to the Canadian SDS regulations, Quantum’s SDS authoring software allows you to author SDS compliant with world-wide regulations including those of the US, Europe, and most Asian countries.
Our software is ‘battle tested’. Quantum has been selling (M)SDS Authoring software since 1993.
The easy-to-learn module dramatically cuts time spent with SDS by standardizing the management process and streamlining the authoring and generation procedure. The SDS Authoring and Generation module integrates with existing ERP systems and ensures automatic compliance with current chemical regulatory requirements.
Even better, Quantum has designed the database structure to adjust to future regulations and compliance.The module will always be up-to-date and additional time and money will not be required for software updates.
Quantum has over 30 years of SDS authoring experience.
Send us your old SDS, or formula and physical properties for a new product, and we’ll author an SDS to the GHS standards! We have the expertise to author your SDS for any country. Remember, if you supply chemicals anywhere in the world, you will need a GHS SDS!
Why Quantum?
Quantum can convert your outdated MSDS to GHS standards on a timely and cost-effective basis. In addition to these basic services, Quantum’s conversion services offer the following advantages:
Our team has been working with MSDSs for nearly thirty years, and we’ve been studying GHS for more than twenty years. The WHMIS 2015 changes are nothing new to us!
Each document you send to us will be converted and personally verified by at least two Hazard Communication Experts, each with more than five years’ GHS experience.
Our SDS Authoring software allows our experts to more quickly convert documents, which in turn allows us to offer a high degree of care and expertise without sacrificing speed and affordability.
Quantum understands that your MSDS may include proprietary information (such as mixture formulation), and will work with you to ensure that information remains secure. The output SDS belongs to you and you alone.
What you need to know about WHMIS
WHMIS Update – New Rules for Section 3
Canada continues to hammer out the details of its GHS
Top 5 Things to Look for When You Choose a SDS Management Software
To meet requirements set by industry best practices (and by