A Simply Smart Solution with Quantum
Security and safety are everything especially in today’s data driven environment. Here at Quantum, we take both matters very seriously. Keeping people, the planet, and information secure and safe at all times is our number one priority and at the heart of everything we do.
Maintain Ease & Security
Take the stress out of generating GHS complaint SDS with Quantum’s latest software update where we didn’t trade ease for security. Your employees will be able to access our cloud-based software from the office, the comfort of their own home, or their favorite café. But surely this ease must come at a cost?
Not at Quantum. Your data is protected by requiring employees to input their login and password before any company material can be accessed. We go a step further by ensuring that your information is maintained on its own secure server separate from other companies. Beyond this, our servers are housed in a secure facility with restricted access to ensure that your company’s information is always safe.
Protection of Your Trade Secrets
Quantum understands the value that information carries which is why our software is equipped with the ability to hide proprietary chemical information. This means you will have the ability to pick one of our existing built out ingredients and use our ad copy function to create a new ingredient record with all the properties of the old one. You can then mark this as proprietary and give it a different name. Our software also allows you to be in control of the weight percent range that appears on SDS (with the exception of Canada).
So, what are you waiting for? Start securing your company’s success with Quantum’s No Stress SDS.